Poriginal gallery exhibitions selected for 2025

When Pori Art Museum opens to the public in January 2025, the renewed Poriginal gallery will also open within the museum building. Poriginal gallery, currently located in a separate space in Pori Eteläranta, will become a more integral part of the Art Museum’s exhibition programme, while the gallery’s operating model is being developed into a more sustainable direction. The gallery will have six exhibitions a year, each lasting around seven weeks, with free exhibition space and a fee provided for the artists.

Poriginal’s exhibitions continue to be selected through an open call. This year, the call was held in May and a jury assembled by the Art Museum decided on the applications selected for the exhibition programme at its meeting in August. Pori Art Museum is impressed by the artistic work and thinking of the artists presented in the open call. 276 applications were received and the overall quality of the open call was extremely high.

In its selection, the Art Museum’s jury emphasized the diversity of the applications and applicants, different practices and approaches to art-making as well as the relationship of the selected exhibitions to the museum’s exhibition programme for 2025.

The jury included guest expert Max Hannus, curator, Anni Venäläinen, Director of the Art Museum, Arttu Merimaa, Chief curator of exhibitions, Kai Ruohonen, producer of the Poriginal Gallery and Miina Hujala, assistant curator. Henri Smura, museum technician, commented on technical issues related to the exhibition.

Max Hannus, who has a prominent career as an independent curator and is currently working as a curator at Kiasma, describes the selection process:

“The variety of applications for the Poriginal gallery was inspiring in terms of artistic forms and thinking as well as different localities. We were able to put together a diverse collection that creates an interesting dialogue with the museum’s programme. The selected exhibitions link to current social, societal and artistic issues and together respond to art´s multifaceted role in this era.”

Poriginal’s exhibition calendar for 2025:

1.2.-23.3. Elis Hannikainen ja Vappu Jalonen 
29.3.-11.5. Taru Happonen
17.5.-6.7. Karim Boumjimar 
12.7.–7.9. Hillevi Vähälä-Aranko
13.9.-2.11. Kastehelmi Korpijaakko
8.11.-4.1. 2026 Minjee Hwang Kim ja Risako Yamanoi

More information:
Arttu Merimaa, arttu.merimaa@pori.fi, +358 44 701 3965, www.poriartmuseum.fi

Elis Hannikainen and Vappu Jalonen, Vierailukeskus X, Titanik-galleria, Turku, 2024, installaationäkymä, photographer Johanna Naukkarinen

Event information

Pori Art Museum, Poriginal, Eteläranta