GOLD! – Ihana Havo and Miss Kompro
It’s time to zip up the jumpsuit all the way to the chin, slide down, and leap. Surrender to unknown hands. To those liberating, shared moments of passion, surrender, and understanding of heredity that, nonetheless, you experience alone. The tension of stopping and passing through is in one direction.
A human is strange, flexible, and wonderful.
We have worked as a duo since 2004, bringing the Lahti Sculpture attitude to life beyond just the workbench. Our collaboration has continually fostered tighter cooperation, where each of our works, in their details, alludes to each other. Although the whole can’t yet be said to engage in an internal dialogue, it communicates smoothly and sufficiently around the topic. That is why the collaboration is fruitful; it awakens the instinct.
Paintings, drawings, sculpture, and serigraphy. The thick sensation of mastering the fall.
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