RETRO, Pori Artists’ Association 60 Years – Kauko Räike, Juhani Tarna, Aarne Elomaa, Pekka Mattila, Pertti Ala-Outinen, Anja Karkku-Hohti

The 60th anniversary celebrations of the Pori Artists’ Association continue at Poriginal Gallery from March 8 to March 25, 2008.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Pori Artists’ Association. In honor of this milestone, two exhibitions are being organized: one at Poriginal Gallery and another, a so-called historical section, to be held in April-May at the Satakunta Museum.

At last year’s PoriFeria exhibition, we showcased the association’s current artistic expertise, and now it is time for the “Old Masters.”

When we first gathered to plan the historical section of the association’s anniversary exhibitions, the desire to present the association’s history emerged. As we delved deeper, we decided to organize an exhibition highlighting the history of the association through the works of its former chairpersons from the years 1959-1989.

Professor Kauko Räike (1923-2005)

Kauko Räike was an early representative of non-figurative art among Finnish sculptors. As an artist, he can primarily be characterized as an advocate of constructivist thinking. He served as the chairman of the Pori Artists’ Association from 1959 to 1964.

Born in Reposaari, Kauko Räike studied at the Institute of Industrial Arts from 1947 to 1950. His works were first exhibited in Imatra in 1953.

Räike created numerous war memorials, portraits, grave monuments, and medals. Notable works include the Kaarlo Sarkia Memorial (1959) in Kiikka, the Vuoksenniska War Memorial (1963) in Imatra, and the Risto Ryti Memorial (1979) in Huittinen. He also served as the rector of the Kankaanpää Art School, which he founded, from 1965 to 1973.

Juhani Tarna

Juhani Tarna became a member of the Pori Artists’ Association in 1961 and participated in the association’s annual exhibition that same year, held in the auditorium of the Pori School of Commerce. He served as chairman of the association from 1969 to 1970.

Tarna introduced abstract, constructivist art to the Satakunta region. Since 1956, he actively promoted and discussed it in the press and organized courses on the subject. Over time, modern and abstract expression gained a foothold in the area, playing a crucial role in the establishment of the Kankaanpää Art School. In 1965, Juhani Tarna co-founded the school with Kauko Räike.

Pekka Mattila (1943-1991)

Pekka Mattila made a significant contribution as a teacher and acting rector at the Kankaanpää Art School. During his tenure, he played a crucial role in the demanding preparatory work for the school’s new building project.

In the autumn of 1971, Mattila was accepted as a student at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera in Milan. His years in Italy were formative, helping him discover his artistic identity. He spent six years there, studying in Milan during the winters and working in Florence during the summers.

Mattila’s working method was perfectionist, and his paintings exude an internalized quiet strength. His style is marked by a disciplined use of color, an emphasis on composition, and the kinetic interplay of smooth tonal transitions. His passion for painting was evident in his work. Mattila served as the chairman of the Pori Artists’ Association from 1988 to 1989.

Aarne Elomaa (born 1926)

Artist Aarne Elomaa has been actively involved in the Pori Artists’ Association since its early days. He served as chairman from 1964 to 1969 and again from 1974 to 1977.

The earliest preserved newspaper clippings document his participation in exhibitions before 1950. His high-quality body of work includes various abstract and cubist-inspired periods, in addition to an extensive figurative output.

Pertti Ala-Outinen

Artist, critic, and rector of the Pori School of Drawing. He served as chairman of the Pori Artists’ Association from 1971 to 1974 and from 1981 to 1988.

Ala-Outinen’s artistic style in collages and drawings is primarily cubist.

Anja Karkku-Hohti (born 1935)

Anja Karkku-Hohti served as the chairman of the Pori Artists’ Association from 1977 to 1981.

In her paintings, color plays a primary role. She finds the combination of shapes and colors, movement, and the element of air essential in her works.

This text was created with AI assistance


Artist: Kauko Räike, Juhani Tarna, Aarne Elomaa, Pekka Mattila, Pertti Ala-Outinen, Anja Karkku-Hohti
08.03.2008 – 25.03.2008
Room: Poriginal gallery, Eteläranta 6, Pori