Sorry, It’s a Bit Messy – Jenni Yppärilä

The exhibition “Sorry, It’s a Bit Messy” explores the presence of the inhabitant through their home and belongings. A home is like an extension of the self—it is decorated to reflect the traits the resident identifies with. Cleanliness and a neat appearance are often seen as direct expressions of a person’s character. A messy, unclean home can suggest that its inhabitant is untidy, unreliable, or lazy. Dirt and disorder are things people prefer not to display. Even internally, everything is expected to be in order when the surroundings are clean.

At the same time, a home should be a place where one is free to be as they are—even in the midst of chaos and disorder, if they so choose. The ideal is to feel free in one’s own home, to live as one wishes without apology. Yet, unexpected guests can quickly put the resident on the defensive, prompting them to apologize for the mess—often even when the home is in perfect condition. In this way, the home becomes a metaphor for the inhabitant’s mental preparedness to face others.

Jenni Yppärilä (b. 1980) earned her Master of Arts degree in the spring of 2010 from Aalto University, School of Art and Media, Pori.

Arts Council of Satakunta 
City of Pori Cultural Committee

This text was created with AI assistance


Artist: Jenni Yppärilä
31.07.2010 – 17.08.2010
Room: Poriginal gallery, Eteläranta 6, Pori