Kaironautilos – Circus Maximus – The Human, Science, and Technology Group; Jyrki Pylväs, Tomi Suovankoski, Jussi Saivo

The ancient Greeks had two words for time: kronos and kairos. Kronos is the more familiar term; it refers to measurable, quantitative time. Kronos can be divided into hours and minutes.
Kairos is a more elusive concept. Kairos refers to qualitative time—opportune, unique moments. It represents those times when circumstances align for new possibilities and for changing the future. Kairos cannot be measured; it either exists in the moment, or it does not.

00:32:12:11 SYSTEM: ^ ^
00:32:17:23 PILOT_1 …
00:32:18:11 PILOT_2 mm. :
00:32:18:92 PILOT_1 clear for phase.
00:32:20:22 PILOT_2 hold: ^
00:32:21:11 [metallic click]
00:32:22:77 PILOT_2 system clear ^
00:32:23:93 SYSTEM ready
00:32:25:00 SYSTEM happy journey
00:32:26:60 PILOT_1 so I’ll just press…
00:32:26:90 [click]
00:32:27:16 [whistling sound begins]
00:32:28:44 PILOT_1 uh… uh
00:32:29:87 SYSTEM abort and reboot
00:32:30:14 PILOT_2 no
00:32:30:25 [tearing metal sound]
00:32:31:41 SYSTEM abort and reboot
00:32:32:03 [series of thuds]
00:32:32:93 [whistling sound stops]
00:32:33:34 [explosion]
00:32:34:09 SYSTEM abort and reboot
00:32:34:13 PILOT_1 [heavy breathing]
00:33:00:00 SYSTEM abort and reboot?
01:08:15:12 PILOT_1 [click]^
01:44:12:12 PILOT_1 [murmuring] ^

The dramatic installation Kaironautilos is part of the Circus Maximus science and technology group’s series of works.
The previous parts of the series are:
2005 Aphelion or 86th of March – performance
2007 Mekanogenesis – spatial work
2008 Uncanny Valley – performance

The core of the group consists of set designer Jyrki Pylväs (Artjärvi), sound designer Jussi Saivo (Pori), and lighting designer Tomi Suovankoski (Helsinki).
The Arts Councils of Häme and Satakunta have supported the realization of this work.

This text was created with AI assistance


Artist: Circus Maximus - Ihminen, Tiede ja Teknologia -työryhmä; Jyrki Pylväs, Tomi Suovankoski ja Jussi Saivo
13.11.2010 – 30.11.2010
Room: Poriginal gallery, Eteläranta 6, Pori