20th Anniversary Exhibition of the Pori Children’s and Youth Art School

The colorful world of the Pori Children’s and Youth Art School is presented in the school’s 20th anniversary exhibition at the Poriginal Gallery from November 5 to 22, and at the PEDA Wall at the Pori Art Museum from November 5 to 15.

The large number of works is unified by an environmental theme, covering student works related to nature, urban, and virtual environments. Investigating one’s immediate surroundings and experiential learning are key elements of the art school’s teaching. The student works in the upper floor of the Poriginal Gallery were created during the school’s autumn forest trip or based on nature experiences gained there. These works explore themes related to the changing environment and worldviews at the level of imagination. The lower floor works, on the other hand, tell a visual story of the built urban environment and the virtual gaming world, which is strongly connected to the lives of young people. The PEDA Wall at the Pori Art Museum displays photographs of the work of students and teachers at the art school.

The Pori Children’s and Youth Art School began its activities in 1991, offering education to 20 students. The number of students has grown annually, and currently, about 260 students are enrolled. The art school provides statutory basic education in the arts according to a broad curriculum in the visual arts, which means goal-oriented, progressive teaching based on the national curriculum. Students can begin their studies at the art school at the early education level, starting at 5-6 years old. Basic education is offered to children aged 7-12, and advanced education to children and young people aged 12-19. The school operates in the afternoons and evenings at Mikonkatu 21 and Gallen-Kallelankatu 10.

This text was created with AI assistance.


Artist: Porin lasten ja nuorten kuvataidekoulu
05.11.2011 – 22.11.2011
Room: Poriginal gallery, Eteläranta 6, Pori