Primary Production II – Riikka Keränen

Today, the sun is shining here in the village, warming the back of my neck through the window. It’s minus 32 degrees Celsius—a rather crisp day.

It’s Sunday, and this announcement should be ready by tomorrow. Once again, the same old problem arises: what to say?

Just as one cannot see oneself from the outside, neither can one view their own works with an outsider’s eye. The perception of oneself and one’s work swings back and forth like a kite on a string. Every now and then, the movement slows and settles into a calm center—until some event pushes it toward one side or the other. So, I’ll withhold my current perspective and leave it to the viewer to form their own, without my interference.

To say something, though, I’ll share this: I’ve managed to complete a couple of new works. One incorporates photographs, and in the other, I’ve continued working with moose hair. I’ve used a lot of glue and lost my patience completely—once. At times, I wonder if I should have created more new work by now, but then I remind myself that I haven’t had the time due to other commitments. And besides, artworks don’t really expire after just one viewing, do they?

What I’m most curious about is how the works will look in this new space. What will happen to them there?

Perhaps I should say something about the exhibition title, since I’ve given it one. Without overcomplicating it, Primary Production II refers to the place where I live, the materials I use, my age, and the idea that art, in its own way, is a form of primary production.


This text was created with AI assistance.


Artist: Riikka Keränen
11.02.2012 – 28.02.2012
Room: Poriginal gallery, Eteläranta 6, Pori