INVISIBLE COLLISIONS – Pavel Ekrias and Suvi Härkönen
Does the body create space with its movement, a place with its being? Is there space without a body experiencing it, is there a place without something being in it? An empty place, an empty space – can empty space or place ever truly be perceived without already being there, filling it as a physical being? Or conversely, can a gaze create space, as a kind of non-physical extension of the body? And could a mere feeling of space or place be sufficient for their definition?
The exhibition Invisible Collisions by Suvi Härkönen and Pavel Ekrias consists of spatial works by two artists. Härkönen’s installation approaches the process of the artwork’s existence and formation from a perspective that is not limited to the artwork’s existence itself but extends beyond perceptible boundaries into the viewer’s field of experience. The installation invites the viewer to participate in its formation process, either as a necessary part of the work itself or by influencing it with their perception.
The search for and formation of an experiential emotional state and the parallelism of the mechanical and organic emerge as dominant themes in Ekrias’s work. Through the fusion of the work’s movement and the viewer’s physical presence, the often violent-seeming coexistence of elements is approached.
The works in the exhibition aim to highlight the processes of the artwork and the viewer, the initiator of the work and its observer, and the definition of the work and art. The artists of the exhibition are interested in how a work becomes art, and how the boundary between the work and the viewer changes its form and nature. Through perception and experience, the viewer’s merging with the work, becoming part of it, and influencing it from within with their own presence are themes explored in the works.
The exhibition is supported by the Arts Promotion Centre Finland’s Satakunta Art Committee and the Pori Cultural Board.
Translated with Copilot