ALL EXCESS – Tiina Vehkaperä

This exhibition continues the themes from the artist’s previous shows, “It’s Easier to Run Away” and “Behind the Window,” where the concepts of escape—both mental and physical, avoiding responsibility, and even abandonment—were explored. Instead of running away from life, the exhibition focuses on following it. Life can be observed passively, calmly and deliberately, or reluctantly from the outside, resigned. The new exhibition closes the topic, fulfilling its content-based need and freezes everything as excess, gently turning its back on it.

The sculptor often uses found objects, recycled materials, and other remnants of everyday life in her works, but more traditional materials such as bronze, stone, and wood also speak to her. Everyday materials carry symbolic meanings within them, telling their own stories, evoking emotions, memories, and dreams. The juxtapositions in their new contexts create multifaceted reflections, often with the help of humor, but ultimately remaining as serious thoughts embedded in the subconscious. Artistic work offers solutions and clarity in understanding humanity. The goal or reward may be a momentary tranquility, satisfaction, and emptiness.

Vehkaperä (born 1982), who has also worked in Pori, now lives and works in her hometown of Oulu, to which she returned last year.

Due to a tight schedule and overlapping exhibitions, the artist will not be present at the opening. We hope you will join us to celebrate the closing of the exhibition on Friday, August 30th, from 5–7 PM.

Artist’s talk on Tuesday, September 3rd, from 5–6 PM.

Translated with ChatGPT


Artist: Tiina Vehkaperä
17.08.2013 – 03.09.2013
Room: Poriginal gallery, Eteläranta 6, Pori