The exhibition, a collaboration between the Pori Artists’ Association and the Warsaw-based Gallery8+ & Idkart, will be showcased in Pori. The exhibition has been curated by Irmina Dubaniowska-Kutek, who will also attend the opening. Dubaniowska-Kutek has selected artists for the exhibition, including both accomplished artists and recent graduates. The themes explored by the Polish artists range from abstract subjects to landscapes and realistic scenes.

The artists featured in the exhibition are Józef Wilkoń, Janusz Lewandowski, Alojzy Balcerzak, Iwona Kulągowska, Krystyna Jatkiewicz, Lucienne Smagala, Danuta Nawrocka, Inez Krupińska, Katarzyna Bułka, Jasiek Balcerzak, Piotr Zemsta, Wit Bogusławski, Natalia Okoń-Rudnicka, Ewa Solima, and Marta Piórko.

In addition to Gallery8+ & Idkart and the Pori Artists’ Association, the exhibition is supported by the Embassy of Poland, the Pori Cultural Board, and the Arts Promotion Centre Finland.

Translated with ChatGPT


Artist: Varsovan taiteilijaseura (vaihtonäyttely Porin taiteilijaseuran kanssa)
31.05.2014 – 27.06.2014
Room: Poriginal gallery, Eteläranta 6, Pori