PRESENT – Liisa Hietanen and Niina Huovinen

Paintings by Niina Huovinen
Textile sculptures by Liisa Hietanen

In the Present exhibition, the works of two visual artists meet. Our lives are filled with encounters. The media brings both real and fictional stories of others into our awareness. On the streets of our hometown, we cross paths with the same familiar strangers. Our shared world is at once the size of a small village and a vast planet.

Our works explore our personal spheres of experience. Niina Huovinen examines the media environment, which continuously feeds content into our daily lives through news and entertainment. Liisa Hietanen’s works, in contrast, are rooted in familiar, everyday experiences. While Huovinen’s paintings depict mediated realities through images, Hietanen’s sculptures emerge from direct, tangible encounters.

Translated with ChatGPT


Artist: Liisa Hietanen, Niina Huovinen
04.04.2015 – 21.04.2015
Room: Poriginal gallery, Eteläranta 6, Pori