PAINTINGS – Aino Suonio
The overarching theme of my artistic work is known as sacred geometry, with a particular focus on the dimensions of the hexagon. I primarily work within the fields of painting and drawing, but I also explore the same theme through photography, jewelry, textile art, and wall paintings in both private and public spaces. The hexagon theme I have been working on for several years originates from early childhood experiences, when I would close my eyes and see patterns that alternated between expanding and contracting. I wanted to become an artist so I could create images of that internal, shifting vision. My goal was to make a unified image that simultaneously expresses both expansion and contraction.
Having worked with this wave-like contrast theme, I have gradually progressed to depicting concentration in my work: the mandala. The centrally symmetrical mandala represents how everything works optimally. The honeycomb pattern combined with nested, growing rings elevates the vibrational energy of the space. In a healing space, a person can more easily connect with their higher self.
My images serve as proof and a reminder of the experience of unity, and in a way, they are also schematic and instructional representations of that experience. My subject is the fractal, an ever-growing and changing image of the nature of the universe and the oneness of all existence. The natural forms I use, sacred geometry, are shared and familiar across all religions and indigenous cultures. Through the image, I aim to awaken a sense of oneness and spiritual awareness in the viewer, pointing to what is common to all of us.
Translated with ChatGPT