TOOLS OF POWER – Henna Tyrväinen

Women have been taught safety instructions since childhood, and many grow up fearing becoming victims of violence. Don’t walk down dark streets, don’t look an unknown man in the eye, don’t dress this way or that, and apply just the right amount of makeup (but not too much), don’t drink too much, don’t cause shame to the man in a situation where he has acted sexistly toward you – it was just a joke, a squeeze, an obscene gesture. Be vigilant; after all, a man is just an animal acting on instinct, who may not be able to control his needs. Even in the 21st century, the situation often turns into the victim’s fault. Sexual violence in public spaces is strongly condemned, but harassment experienced in private settings can be seen and quietly accepted as a private matter.

As society’s conditions worsen, so does the position of women; entrenched, built-in gender roles created by a patriarchal society intensify. The internet reveals the misogyny simmering beneath the surface. Various tools of power, such as threats and the collection of personal data, are frightening silencing methods designed to show women their true place. Labeling someone a whore strikes below the belt, a lash of a whip. It is a demonstration of male power over the opposite gender, which can also be seen as a direct threat, as it involves a mindset in which a whore can be treated however one pleases.

Tools of Power primarily consists of installations that address situations related to threat. It includes direct quotes from online forums that may shock more sensitive viewers.

Henna Tyrväinen (born 1987, Pieksämäki) is a visual artist living and working in Pori.

Translated with ChatGPT


Artist: Henna Tyrväinen
02.04.2016 – 19.04.2016
Room: Poriginal gallery, Eteläranta 6, Pori