Granites – Sculpture Exhibition, Bjarne Lönnroos
Artist’s Meeting on Sunday, May 8, from 17:00 to 18:00.
I generally use red granite as the material for my sculptures because it looks beautiful no matter how it is treated.
I work at the only Finnish sculptor’s stone carving association, Taidekivenveisto ry, located in Tattarisuo, Helsinki.
I make my sculptures mainly with an angle grinder fitted with a diamond blade, which is the cutting tool. Before starting with the stone, I create sketches in my sketchbook. I don’t make three-dimensional models.
I actually work on the stone much like a drawing on paper. I make a drawing on the stone that includes the stone’s dimensions.
The aim of my sculptures is to resemble a drawing. The line is important in my sculptures, just as it is in a drawing.
My art is simple. I use simplicities such as: stairs, walls, gutters.
However, the stone wall I make is not just a wall; it transforms. The stairs are stairs, but not quite.
Best regards,
Bjarne Lönnroos
Translated with ChatGPT