A.R.T. -Laporitorio / Decisions
Lower Floor
Porin Art School’s 25th Anniversary Exhibition A.R.T. -Laporitorio
The children and youth of Porin Art School are celebrating the school’s 25th anniversary with a colorful A.R.T. -Laporitorio celebration exhibition at the Poriginal Gallery, from May 14 to May 31, 2016.
During the exhibition, the lower floor of the Poriginal Gallery transforms into the experimental laboratory of a mad scientist, filled with various inventions and devious schemes, turning the space into a complete installation.
Throughout the past school year, students have designed different gadgets and contraptions, experimented with crossbreeding various species, and conducted otherworldly experiments in the school’s art laboratory. The ahead-of-its-time inventions and plans for inventions displayed in the exhibition have been executed with a crazy mentality, driven by grand ideas. There are inventions for every need and lack thereof, and visitors will not be safe from robots or other creatures emerging from the inventor’s hat. Those attending the exhibition can borrow a safety helmet, protective glasses, or a mask if they wish.
The Pori Children’s and Youth Art School began its operations in 1991, initially offering education to 20 students. The number of students has steadily increased each year, and currently, 320 students are enrolled. The school provides mandatory basic education in the visual arts, following a comprehensive curriculum, which means goal-oriented, progressive teaching that adheres to the national curriculum. Students can begin their studies in early childhood education at the age of 4-6. Basic education is provided for children aged 7-12, and advanced education is offered for children and youth aged 12-19. The school operates in the afternoons and evenings at Mikonkatu 21 and Gallen-Kallelankatu 10. The school also offers basic education in the arts for adults according to the comprehensive curriculum.
Upper Floor
The graduation exhibition of the young and adult students graduating from Porin Art School in spring 2016, PÄÄTÖKSIÄ (Decisions), will be on display in the upper floor of the Poriginal Gallery from May 14 to May 31, 2016. The exhibition crowns the students’ dedicated practice; adult evening students have studied for three years, and younger students have studied for up to ten years, depending on their pace. All students have completed the comprehensive basic education in the arts upon graduation.
The exhibition features works from ten students. The younger generation of artists is represented by Aycil Atalmis, Fanny Häyry, Anna Kalliovuo, Katariina Kilkku, and Iida Virtanen. In the same space, the adult students Paula Gröhn, Juhana Saarto, Minna Salomaa, Paula Soini, and Airi Tarkkio will present their final projects. The works vary from paintings to installations, and the techniques used range from drawing to fine art printmaking. In addition to the final projects, the students’ portfolios related to their final works will also be on display.
Translated with ChatGPT