MONEY – Timo Takala

To earn one’s living, one may end up resorting to desperate actions. The problem certainly doesn’t get any easier if business acumen is lacking, whether due to naive modesty or sheer greed. Craftsmanship clashes with industrial production, while the do-it-yourself spirit grows to absurd proportions.

The exhibition explores the essence and interrelationships of money, value, labor, and raw materials. The plot also touches on themes like the recycling of raw materials, exploitation of labor, and the responsibility of the buyer. These are difficult, worn-out, perhaps even frightening topics, but humor brings them closer to a human perspective.

Timo Takala creates conceptual art, often producing objects resembling sculptures, with performative actions behind them. In addition to the diverse materials and techniques dictated by the ideas behind the works, Takala’s means of expression also include the practices of presenting art. The title and technique of the piece, and in this case also the price, are inseparable parts of the artwork.

Translated with ChatGPT


Artist: Timo Takala
15.10.2016 – 01.11.2016
Room: Poriginal gallery, Eteläranta 6, Pori