Scattered Light – In the Shadows of Winds, Anne Ovaska

Color is grammar. Or the notes to the creation of a painting. The mind, memory, and self reside within color. Things that cannot be named overlap as fields of color on the canvas, and in the brightest moments, happy accidents occur, into which memories close.

The image speaks in a dim way, not through language, but burrows under the skin, guiding the viewer’s thoughts to both open seas and the densest wetlands. When the colors and lines of the painting hum, images are born, and there is no hesitation, for the call of chance is not lasting.

From different distances, from another angle, or in another light, new images and invitations are caught, delicately attached to this very moment. Then one can see how beauty rests in the color, which is silent or sleeping.

Translated with ChatGPT


Artist: Anne Ovaska
11.03.2017 – 28.03.2017
Room: Poriginal gallery, Eteläranta 6, Pori