PALE – Rose-Mari Torpo

PALE exhibition consists of works painted with spray paint, ink, and acrylic on paper, fabric, and mesh. The different properties of the materials, colors, and the placement of the works in the gallery space create the whole. The works painted on mesh, emphasizing lightness, transparency, the passage of light on the painting surface, and movement, contrast with the matte paper paintings. As the viewer moves through the space, reflections, colors, and the movement of the surface change, and the work and space transform. The starting point of my current artistic work is space, both material and conceptual; I deal with space and transform it using color and materials. I am interested in the relationships between objects, the dialogue between materials and color, and the viewer’s position as an experiencer of the works in the space.

My painting work is process-based and is often guided visually and thematically by color, materials, space, and experimentation. The painting process is strongly associated with a sense of searching and experimenting. I feel that materials and colors are in dialogue in my works and guide my work. The properties of materials and colors often even bring meaning. My painting work is very physical, related to my body. The rhythm of my body, for example, breathing and the boundaries of the body, are visible in my works. I want to leave a visible trace of my body’s movement in the painting. The viewer can perceive the movement and its rhythm from the visible brushstroke or paint mark.


Translated with Copilot


Artist: Mona Hoel
02.06.2018 – 26.06.2018
Room: Poriginal gallery, Eteläranta 6, Pori