LIFE ON THE LINE – Viivamania-työryhmä

Life on the Line is the first joint exhibition of the Viivamania group, which consists of four visual artists. All members of the group graduated from the Saimaa University of Applied Sciences in Imatra between 2014 and 2018. They are united by their use of line, drawing, and printmaking as their main techniques. The central theme of the exhibition is the repeated use of line in the creation process of the artwork.

In the thematic context of the exhibition, the line represents an atom or a unit whose repetition forms mass, reflecting the basic principles of the universe. The line can also be seen as the materialization of energy, which can either be a tangible thing or symbolize an object or phenomenon. Mania refers to repetition and its need or compulsion. Repeating the line can be both compelling and painful for the creator, or it may lead to a meditative state of peace. The mass created by the repetition of the line can also be understood as a symbol of both chaos and emptiness.

The artists of the group depict subjects ranging from machines to nature and humans. A restrained and controlled color palette merges with a visual language that is unique to each of the four artists.

However, within this language, there is a flow that traverses the psyche, mysticism, and spirituality, eventually branching into surrealism and abstract geometry, creating a small linguistic territory for each artist. The images born from these dimensions are like glimpses into the unknown. They bring to light another world that is intangible and often inexpressible. They are symbols, visions, reflections, touches of that other side of the world, which remains a secret for many.

Seppo Alanissi (b. 1979) is a printmaker who primarily works with traditional intaglio techniques. As an artist, he sees himself primarily as a draughtsman, with significant influences from the history of illustration and French science fiction comics from the 1970s. Alanissi’s thinking blends mythology research, psychoanalysis, political systems, alternative economic models, pop culture, and gender studies. His work is characterized by creating and updating personal mythology.

Kaisa Koljonen (b. 1992) is a printmaker who combines various intaglio techniques in her works. The works depict humans as a psychophysical whole and combine occultism and religious symbolism with depictions of the human inner world. The works capture the human experience of oneself as a psychic, physical, and spiritual being during a time when the concept of humanity is rapidly changing due to the accelerating development of artificial intelligence and technology. The visual language blends surrealistic, abstract, and symbolist elements. The works are characterized by the repetitive use of meticulous organic lines, symmetry, and symbols.

Heidi Suikkanen (b. 1987) is a draughtsman who draws inspiration from everyday devices, mechanics, junk, and sinks. The shape of these mundane objects fascinates Suikkanen, but instead of copying them directly, she transforms the objects imaginatively to create something different. Suikkanen’s drawings are characterized by lively and abundant lines, as well as a surreal atmosphere.

Susa Walve (b. 1988) draws larger compositions through small repetitions of lines. She prefers to use ink pens as her tools. Walve is inspired by various theories, methods, and things that, in part, explain the world and its origins. Currently, she is fascinated by Eastern philosophies, particularly the doctrine of emptiness. She views her works as a kind of universal language that arises from the subconscious. These images often move along the border between the familiar and the unknown. The emptiness, or “nothing,” which Walve considers the most important element of her works, shares the space with the drawn lines. Recently, Walve’s work has also taken steps towards spatiality, with her most recent works being drawn directly onto the walls of exhibition spaces.


Translated with ChatGPT


Artist: Viivamania-työryhmä
07.09.2019 – 24.09.2019
Room: Poriginal gallery, Eteläranta 6, Pori