FREE BUCKETS – Laura Lilja

The installation addresses the climate crisis, rising sea levels, and the excessive use of plastic. A sea of buckets made of plastic spreads across the exhibition space. All the buckets used in the installation have been borrowed from individuals, companies, educational institutions, and other city organizations. The water level in the buckets, 20 cm, corresponds to the prediction of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report regarding the average sea level rise from 2020 to 2050. The rise is accelerating, and without significant climate action, it could exceed one meter by 2100.

The continuous acceleration of sea level rise is primarily caused by the melting of glaciers worldwide. Additionally, thermal expansion of seawater increases its volume. As a result of rising sea levels, island nations and coastal megacities are increasingly flooding. Marine ecosystems and coastal habitats suffer from both the rising sea levels and ocean acidification caused by carbon dioxide emissions. Moreover, the ability of the oceans to provide food for both humans and animals is weakened. The changes affect the abundance and distribution of animal and plant species, with mountain and Arctic species being particularly affected. The availability of fresh water in the lower regions of mountain areas, food security, and livelihoods in the Arctic region are also at risk. Changes can still be mitigated, but this requires strict climate policies, immediate cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, and adaptation everywhere.

Laura Lilja (born 1975) is a visual artist from Pori, Finland, who earned her Master’s degree in Fine Arts from the University of Art and Design Helsinki in 2004. Lilja’s work has recently been shown in solo exhibitions at the Detroit Stockholm gallery in Stockholm (2016) and Galleria Huuto in Helsinki (2016). In Pori, she is known for her light installation “In Another Light” at the city’s swimming pool. Lilja’s conceptual sculptures and installations explore various social power structures, and in recent years, she has become particularly interested in the carbon footprint of art and more sustainable ways of creating art. The exhibition has been supported by the Arts Promotion Centre Finland.


Translated with ChatGPT


Artist: Laura Lilja
22.02.2020 – 10.03.2020
Room: Poriginal gallery, Eteläranta 6, Pori