PAINTINGS, INSTALLATION – Helka Immonen, Hannele Matinlauri
In our art, we share an experience of space, which we explore using different methods—Helka through painting and Hannele through installation art and sculpture. Both of our works are rooted in intuition but evolve through deliberate and reflective processes, often taking a long time before the final piece is completed.
Helka’s paintings emerge slowly from personal emotions and experiences. The colors and their interaction with simple, often architecture-related forms create the content of the paintings. The spatial experience of the paintings gradually takes shape through thin, overlapping layers of color.
Hannele approaches space in a more concrete way. The interaction between the works and the space, alongside thematic subjects, is a significant part of her artistic process. For this gallery space, Hannele has designed an installation piece, “Juuret” (Roots), which is confined to the center section bounded by wooden columns in the exhibition space. It is complemented by the sculpture “Librarium arboris – The Library of Trees.” The entire installation is dedicated to all living beings that once breathed.
Helka studied at the Free Art School and the Drawing Department of the University of Helsinki. She also holds a Master’s degree in Art History from the University of Helsinki. Helka Immonen has had numerous solo exhibitions both in Finland and abroad. She is a member of the Finnish Painters’ Union and the Espoo Artists’ Association.
Hannele studied at the Drawing Department of the University of Helsinki, the Free Art School, and the University of Art and Design. She also holds a ceramics artisan diploma and a Master’s degree from the University of Helsinki, specializing in Regional Planning. Hannele Matinlauri has had numerous exhibitions both in Finland and abroad.x
Translated with ChatGPT