JYRY 2022

The 2022 Poriginal Gallery Jury Exhibition

The exhibition jury of Poriginal Gallery consists of three representatives from the Pori Art Museum and three artist members appointed by the Satakunta art scene. The artist members of the 2022 jury present themselves through a group exhibition featuring three artists from Satakunta. These artists represent three local artist associations, and their task was to conduct a peer review of exhibition applications for Poriginal Gallery’s 2022 schedule.

RIITTA LEHTO-TOIVANEN, Rauman Taidegraafikot (Rauma Printmakers Association)

In my art, childhood experiences meet the present moment. During the painting process, shapes, colors, and images emerge from my subconscious, appearing on the canvas without a pre-planned design or sketch. Painting feels like playing, dancing, or making music. The creative moment is always present.

What I need to create art is light and warmth—or a social warmth process. During the winter, my time is dedicated to teaching art in the field of liberal education. In the summer, warmth is essential for my printmaking as well. Copper plates retain heat, allowing me to work outdoors in the sunlight, where my prints also dry more effectively.

RISTO KEINONEN, Rauman Taiteilijaseura (Rauma Society of Artists)

In short, my goal has always been to offer the viewer a chance to pause and contemplate my works in an almost meditative manner. My starting point is a landscape-like space with a horizon—one that invites the viewer to imagine stepping into it.

Perhaps in contrast to contemporary approaches, I spend a long time refining my paintings, layering colors to achieve the desired atmosphere. I include only the essential elements, eliminating anything unnecessary. My work is about reduction and simplification. Often, there is a story behind my paintings. None of them follow a predetermined plan; rather, they grow and evolve throughout the creative process until they reach their final form.


My paintings depict detailed, imagination-fueled masses or growths that resemble internal organs. They glisten as if freshly removed—raw, almost still-breathing carcasses radiating body heat. Various membranes and vein-like structures weave across their surfaces, creating textures and color fields.

These forms are bruised, oozing with fluids, decaying like bodies within the gallery space, filling the walls with vibrant color and organic textures. The large-scale paintings are immersive, drawing the viewer into their depths. They evoke an unsettling sensation in the body, yet captivate the viewer with their intricate details.

The paintings’ luscious pastel tones make them approachable, yet the animals that inhabit them are familiar but far from safe.


Translated with ChatGPT


Artist: Riitta Lehto-Toivanen, Risto Keinonen, Laura Pietiläinen
08.01.2022 – 25.01.2022
Room: Poriginal gallery, Eteläranta 6, Pori