BUT: behind it all – or beneath it – is that eternal light.
In these works, I depict heavy emotions for humans, how sometimes it is so difficult that almost everything is covered by black.
In general, the starting point for my works is always the deepest, rising basic emotions of human life and its oddness. I don’t tell about my own life, but about life in general.
I have mainly created my works using graphic techniques, specifically carborundum, with a little drypoint as an addition. I feel this painterly printmaking technique is the closest to my own style because it allows me to create large color surfaces and lively textures that I love. My works are always unique pieces, and often part of series.
I feel as though I am hovering between painting and printmaking, but I love paper, the impression, and the unexpected nature of printmaking so much that I want to create my images using printmaking methods.
I am a minimalist and enjoy a simple, pared-down image from which everything unnecessary has been removed. Simplifying and simplifying, until only color remains. Only then can I breathe freely again. And when the image is minimalist, the color takes on the role of the narrator.
At the moment, black, white, and red are enough for me. They tell this story.
Next time, perhaps different colors will come, along with different stories…