Installation: + PROJEKTI

I have designed a series of reminder objects: a table, a chair, a coat, and a painting—items that bring important things back to my mind. Through these objects, I want to provoke myself to reflect on the value of human labor, both in general and within modern society, especially in my hometown. The exhibition also includes an aesthetic product design experiment related to consumer goods.

I dedicate this exhibition to my late grandmother, who toiled her whole life at the Pori Cotton Factory, firmly believing it would also be an eternal and secure workplace for me. I betrayed my grandmother by choosing a different path, but eternity and security are becoming increasingly interesting to me as well.

This text was created with AI assistance


Artist: Rolf Lehtinen
18.05.2002 – 04.06.2002
Room: Poriginal gallery, Eteläranta 6, Pori