LEGACY – Timo Bredenberg
UHD (Full HD version on display)
Duration: 00:04:00
This animation utilizing photogrammetry depicts the demolition process of a former state office building. Originally completed in the early 1980s, the building’s function was later reassessed in an attempt to accommodate the needs of 21st-century knowledge workers. The fragmented narrative of the artwork is based on various documents related to the building, such as architectural and historical surveys.
The title Legacy refers not only to heritage but also to a technical term in programming, where “legacy code” denotes outdated software components that remain in use and are often difficult to replace with newer versions. The audiovisual aesthetics of the work draw inspiration from 1980s and 1990s Windows operating systems, while the soundscape incorporates iconic computer sounds typical of that era.
Bredenberg’s artistic work has been supported by the Arts Promotion Centre Finland.
Translated with ChatGPT