Paintings and Drawings – Hanna Laurinsalo, Anu Nirkko

Anu Nirkko
I draw and paint dreams, memories, and moods.
Something visible and something invisible.
Something tangible, like a rose, a doll, a dish, a dollhouse…
Something harder to touch, like the red of blood, sunlight, the coolness of water…
First comes the image, then the words, with painting in between.

Hanna Laurinsalo
My interest in one single color and its simultaneous intensity and delicacy has remained in my work since my student days. Especially in my current works, the painted surfaces are exactly what they are—painted surfaces.
The figures in my works are sharply defined, simplified characters set against my beloved colors. I like to think of these figures as representing something universal and, at the same time, something essentially private about human existence and life.

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Artist: Hanna Laurinsalo ja Anu Nirkko
16.02.2002 – 05.03.2002
Room: Poriginal gallery, Eteläranta 6, Pori