Pori Nature Photographs

On Saturday, May 28, Poriginal Gallery will open a photography exhibition titled Pori Nature Photographs, featuring the work of five nature photographers from Pori. The exhibition presents a broad visual showcase of the natural beauty of Pori at its finest.

Each photographer has long documented their hometown’s landscapes for various purposes, driven by the belief that photography can help advocate for nature’s values. Photographer Seppo Keränen has given the white-tailed eagle a face through his images, and his latest work includes landscape photographs from the Kokemäenjoki River, related to an upcoming book. Both subjects are significant conservation areas.

Esko Railo, a graphic designer from Pori, presents photographs taken at the Kuuminaisniemi Peninsula. Martti Roininen is a versatile nature photographer who captures everything, focusing more on atmosphere and lighting in authentic environments rather than rare species or subjects.

For three decades, photographer Markku Saiha has roamed the coastline among fishermen. Many of the sites he has captured belong to a bygone era, while the landscape continues to evolve. Janne Wessberg, on the other hand, photographs almost anything found in nature. Whether it’s rock surfaces, sand, plant landscapes, or human-made structures, he finds all equally fascinating subjects.

The exhibition aims to highlight that valuable nature is all around us, even in familiar surroundings—if only we take the time to notice it. There is a traditional tendency in Pori to downplay local strengths, yet the region boasts perhaps the most diverse natural landscapes in the country. As photographers, we want to share our observations and showcase the unique characteristics of Pori’s nature.

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Artist: Seppo Keränen, Esko Railo, Martti Roininen, Markku Saiha, Janne Wessberg
28.05.2005 – 14.06.2005
Room: Poriginal gallery, Eteläranta 6, Pori