Woodcut Prints – Reetta Ahonen

Reetta Ahonen applies and combines traditional woodcut techniques in her work. Her multicolored oil-based woodcuts vary in size, ranging from very large prints to tiny mini-prints.

Ahonen enjoys depicting nature through the lens of human experience and her own personal encounters. While a natural element often serves as the starting point, during the creative process, the initial subject gains additional meanings, becomes abstracted, or simply merges into the whole.

Many works in this exhibition feature nets. A net can act as a barrier or as something that holds things together.
A “net” can also take shape through open-line drawings of black-and-white plant and fruit seed pods. A living organism consists of interacting elements, each developing its own unique form and function within its surroundings. This interaction is graphically represented through nodes and branches.

Today’s concept of “networking” offers an intriguing perspective on our relationship with the environment and ourselves, both physically and psychologically. The net can encompass the entire world, with branches of interaction extending into other cultures. On many levels, we are woven into these structures, the artist describes.

Reetta Ahonen lives and works in Imatra.

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Artist: Reetta Ahonen
26.03.2005 – 12.04.2005
Room: Poriginal gallery, Eteläranta 6, Pori