RELATION – Sanna Pajunen, Eeva-Maija Priha, and Paula Tella

The upper floor of Poriginal Gallery is filled with the works of four artists, all connected by a common theme: relation. The works of colleagues and friends intertwine—they can be seen in relation to the raw exhibition space, interpreted through the viewer’s own experiences, or mentally connected to the nearby works. Even the slow and vast forces of nature can be engaged with—simply by picking up a stone shaped by the Ice Age, a relationship is formed.

Liisa Hilasvuori works with both ceramics and wood, allowing her pieces to fracture, weaken, and partially lose their carefully crafted forms. She explores how, beyond intentional hand movements, other unpredictable factors—such as burning—might alter shape and surface. Can multiple layers of time become visible in a single work? The long duration of construction and the fleeting moment of disappearance? Her themes explore two kinds of departures: flight and collapse, destruction.

Sanna Pajunen reflects on time experienced in nature and its effects on thoughts, behavior, and the desire for possession. Objects collected from different environments and time periods are transformed in the exhibition into an archaeological stage of the self.

Eeva-Maija Priha’s works navigate landscapes and personal connections to nature. They capture frozen moments and observations from nearby nature. Walking, and visualizing the experience of walking, is central to her artistic practice.

Paula Tella approaches water and the water cycle from a bodily and experiential perspective.


Translated with ChatGPT


Artist: Sanna Pajunen, Eeva-Maija Priha, Paula Tella
02.09.2023 – 19.09.2023
Room: Poriginal gallery, Eteläranta 6, Pori