The exhibition and its main work, Resilientem, explores new gestures in an abandoned space, the negotiation of space, its various familiar and unfamiliar creatures. Words and images are in motion, seeking each other out through their elasticity and tenacity, sometimes frictionally, sometimes stroking, sometimes indifferently interlaced.

The exhibition consists of a 4-channel video installation, text canvases, pinhole photographs and clay notes. The material consists of images, sound and text as field recordings in organic and constructed spaces. The works include references to familiar living things, but also include dimly animate and virtual creatures negotiating space. In addition to traditional video and photographic techniques, the works are created in more experimental ways that combine organic and digital material.

The videos are assembled from short animations made with various creative coding software. The installation, printed on canvas, combines images, research and poetry text. In the clay sculpture, sound is captured within form. The pinhole photographs were made entirely at the time of shooting with a half-hour double exposure and the lights
manipulation of light.

The work on display is a continuation of the artistic research on virtual poetics supported by the Kone Foundation, where the work is guided by non-linearity, layering, error spaces and embodiment.
The exhibition was supported by the Arts Promotion Centre and the exhibition space was provided by Mustarinda, Zaratan Art Centre and Takt Leipzig-Berlin.


Translated with


Artist: Tiio Suorsa
31.08.2024 – 17.09.2024
Room: Poriginal gallery, Eteläranta 6, Pori