SCRYING – Sara Blosseville, Emelie Luostarinen, Jos Nyreen, Iida Pii, Astrid Strömberg

Loves me
Loves me not
Loves me
Mirror, mirror, printer
Tell me anything I can think to ask.

If you look long enough,
You could see inside and through all objects.
Even a matte surface can be made to reflect something from different realities.

Loves me, loves me not, loves me
Petals pile up in the corners of the studio,
Other sources, too,
And dried stains.

A clairvoyant can see by examining a substance, an object, or a reflective surface deeply. By gazing into matter, one can know things that are neither theoretically nor empirically justifiable. Art, too, can be based on similar intuitions. The artist repeats certain patterns and behaviors. Viewers of the exhibition become part of a kind of ritual.

The works of the five artists in the Scrying exhibition are fragments woven into a network: roots or mycelium. They twist and intertwine, guiding the viewer through fabric surfaces or everyday materials into hidden dimensions.

  • Sara Blosseville (b. 1994, Dieppe, France) – Works with sculpture, installation, and publications.
  • Emelie Luostarinen (b. 1987, Stockholm, Sweden) – Works with painting, sculpture, and installation.
  • Jos Nyreen (b. 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark) – Primarily works with painting, drawing, and sculpture.
  • Iida Pii (b. 1989, Helsinki, Finland) – Works primarily with thoughts and emotions. Sometimes, assembling them requires acquiring and creating various materials.
  • Astrid Strömberg (b. 1990, Helsinki, Finland) – Works with painting and spatial painting.

The exhibition is supported by Skib.


Translated with ChatGPT


Artist: Sara Blosseville, Emelie Luostarinen, Jos Nyreen, Iida Pii, Astrid Strömberg
23.09.2023 – 10.10.2023
Room: Poriginal gallery, Eteläranta 6, Pori