Seinäjoen Taiteilijaseura ry, Exhibition

Seinäjoen Taiteilijaseura ry (The Seinäjoki Artist Association) is an organization of professional visual artists.
Currently, the association has 20 members, about half of whom actively participate in exhibitions both domestically and internationally.
The Association organizes at least one open exhibition each year for its members, which this year is held in Pori at the Poriginal Gallery. Each member has been able to submit 3-4 works for the exhibition, including sculptures, paintings, and graphics.

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Artist: Minna Herrala, Seppo Kari, Petra Koivisto, Tiina Laasonen, Raine Liimakka, Liisa Malkamo, Heikki Mäki-Tuuri, Tarja Polari, Anne Rossi, S.J. Tanninen, Riitta Ylinen, Liisa Äärynen
14.02.2004 – 02.03.2004
Room: Poriginal gallery, Eteläranta 6, Pori