VANITY FAIR | Porin Saskiat ry, Scholarship Exhibition – Sari Moilala
I see the painting process as a way to transition into another state of consciousness, where I have access to all past memories, experiences, or unresolved emotions, and in that state, I reveal them on canvas through colors and movement. The starting point is presence and being in the moment. Experientiality and various sensory perceptions, as well as awareness of the constant movement around, are central elements in the painting process, which aims to depict the feelings caused by experiencing nature and the environment in the whole body rather than representational imagery. Time is an essential part of experiencing.
My painting style is lyrical and narrative abstract. In narrative abstraction, recognizable elements can be observed. The paintings are built up in layers using energetic and warm color compositions, and I strive to create movement that is almost tangible to the viewer.
The Vanity Fair – Turhuuden turuilla exhibition consists of works painted during the summer of 2021. The inspirations have been the abundant and colorful nature experiences of the summer, the contents of the refrigerator, and an old book found in the studio. The pages of the book have been assembled into a painting installation that resolves internal conflicts – Jacob’s wrestling, or Jacob wrestling with the angel. The contents of the refrigerator ended up in the diptych The Last Supper, inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper. In my work, I focused on the contents of the dining table rather than the people. Vanity Fair depicts excess, abundance, ostentation, and a lifestyle that one can live without but does not want to.
I graduated as a visual artist in the spring of 2021. I currently live and work in Kankaanpää.
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