Entering – Eungyung Kim

Upon entering the exhibition, one notices
a rather empty space. Its blankness is the
mindful approach of the artist, which is to
bear the imaginable.
The predominant color white in the paper,
silk, linen and rocks, and the transparency
of glass beads reflect many gestures,
movements, sounds and symbols, such as
dew, star, wind, toil, cleansing and being
cleansed, and readiness.
The title of the exhibition, enter ing ,
suggests the transient yet enthralling
moment where one encounters the sacred.
To the artist, it is a transitional, holding
and grounding space, where giving and
being given reciprocate. Her delicate
works are formed into particular shapes
and composed in a site sensitive way.
They invite and evoke various readings
while stitching their own stories.


Taiteilija: Eungyung Kim
10.11.2012 – 27.11.2012
Tila: Poriginal galleria, Eteläranta 6, Pori