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Poriginal Gallery

Since 1984 Pori Art Museum has had a gallery for changing exhibitions on the bank of the Kokemäenjoki river. Named Poriginal, the space is located in a former salt warehouse at Eteläranta 6, in the immediate vicinity of the museum.

The Poriginal Gallery on the south bank of the Kokemäenjoki river is housed in a former salt storage building. Designed by the architect F. J. Lindström, the two-storey neo-Renaissance house was built in 1885 and forms part of the historical group of valuable 19th-century buildings along the riverfront. The Pori Art Museum operating in a former weigh-house is in the same district, as well as the Satakunta Museum and the redbrick neo-Gothic Central Church of Pori (1863). In summer, the riverside district is given over to jazz, becoming the focal point of the Pori Jazz Festival.

The Poriginal space showcases contemporary art by Finnish, regional, and international artists. It operates as a gallery with 16-day exhibition periods. Applications are accepted once a year. The gallery charges no sales commission.